Teacher Reviews for Our Solar System

TEACHER REVIEWS for “Our Solar System”

“What a terrific resource on the solar system. The games and ebooks that are included are informative. Thank you for sharing this resource. The games are very engaging and are appropriate to share with students when studying about the solar system. I like that it can be translated into English or Spanish”

Teacher Brad Bielawski

“These resources make an amazing part of a full unit re our solar system. I will try this using flipped learning. Thanks for sharing. We need more similar resources . I have browsed the website in depth and played the games and read the ebooks and it lends a perfect resource for flipped learning in combination with other resources. Thanks for sharing once again.”

Teacher Carmen Degabriele

“Fun and useful also to introduce the basics of our solar system to middleschool student

Teacher Paola Pinelli

Click here to purchase on Amazon.com

“Our Solar System”
is a thoughtfully illustrated, large-format paperback book which effectively teaches the basics about our sun and the planets, the seasons of planet Earth, and the phases of the Moon. After completing the book, readers use the link in the book to go online and test what they’ve learned at YoungMindInteractive’s website with the free browser-based game “Our Solar System”. Works on both Mac and Windows operating systems, on mobile devices from Apple and Android, and on interactive whiteboards, where students can compete as teams.

This suite of learning tools is ideal for the “Flipped Classroom”. The book and the games are available in English and Spanish.

Play “Our Solar System” in your classroom or at home. Perfect for “Flipped Learning”!

Play “Nuestra Sistema Solar” in your classroom or at home. Muy Bueno!

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