Tag: Mapping Countries and Cities
Video: Introduction to GeoGames by Game Designer Jeffrey Wiener
Video: Team of two (9 & 10) playing GeoGames on the SmartBoard
Video: GeoGames Played on SmartBoard by 8yr Old
Video: Teams Playing GeoGames on SMART Board
Promotional Video for Reach the World’s GeoGames
GeoGames was created by YoungMindInteractive’s director Jeffrey Wiener for the non-profit Reach the World. This fabulously fun Flash game effectively teaches a basic knowledge of the world’s primary geographic features. GeoGames lets you construct the planet earth by dragging geographic features onto a rotatable 3D sphere, with a Timer keeping…
Video: Introduction to GeoGames by Game Designer Jeffrey Wiener
Video: Team of two (9 & 10) playing GeoGames on the SmartBoard
Video: GeoGames Played on SmartBoard by 8yr Old
Video: Teams Playing GeoGames on SMART Board
Promotional Video for Reach the World’s GeoGames
GeoGames was created by YoungMindInteractive’s director Jeffrey Wiener for the non-profit Reach the World. This fabulously fun Flash game effectively teaches a basic knowledge of the world’s primary geographic features. GeoGames lets you construct the planet earth by dragging geographic features onto a rotatable 3D sphere, with a Timer keeping…